What are system databases?
When we install
Microsoft SQL Server, five system databases are automatically created for each
SQL Server instance. These system databases allow the database engine and
administrative applications to properly manage the system:
- master
- model
- msdb
- tempdb
- Resource (SQL Server 2005 and higher only)
What is master database?
The Master database is
the heart and soul of SQL Server. It basically records all the system level
information. Every instance of SQL Server will have an independent Master
database; as it captures instance level configuration information. The
information which is captured in the Master database includes SQL Server instance level configurations,
linked server configurations, SQL Server Logins, Service Broker Endpoints,
System Level Stored Procedures, and System level Functions etc. The system
and user databases related information such as name and location for user and system database are captured in Master
If master database is
corrupted or if it is not available then the SQL Server Service will not start.
In SQL Server 2005 and later versions the system objects are stored in Resource
Database rather than in Master Database. The Master database is created using
Simple Recovery Model.
What is model database?
The Model database is
basically used as a template when creating databases in SQL Server. Basically
SQL Server takes a copy of Model database whenever a user tries to create a new
database in SQL Server. This also means that if a user creates any tables,
stored procedures, user defined data types or user defined functions within a
Model database; then those objects will be available in every newly created
database on that particular instance of SQL Server.
If the Model database is
damaged or corrupted then SQL Server Service will not start up as it will not
be able to create the tempdb database.
What is msdb database?
SQL Server Agent uses MSDB database to store information related
to the configuration of SQL Server Agent Jobs, Job schedules, Alerts, Operators
etc. MSDB also stores information
related to configuration of Service Broker, Log Shipping, database backups and
restore information, Maintenance Plan Configuration, Configuration of Database
Mail, Policy Bases Information of SQL Server 2008 etc.
If the MSDB database is
corrupted or damaged then scheduling information used by SQL Server Agent will
be lost. This will result in the failure of all scheduled activities.
What is tempdb database?
The tempdb database is
considered a global resource that all connections and all users can access. The
tempdb database holds user-created temporary database objects, such as
temporary tables and temporary stored procedures. This database is also used
heavily by the database engine to serialize intermediate results and to hold
other temporary data and objects that are generated during processing. Tempdb
is always recreated from when the SQL Server service is first started. Because
tempdb is so heavily used by the system, many system-wide performance optimizations
are necessarily focused on making tempdb as efficient as possible.
What is resource database?
The Resource database is
a read only, hidden system database that contains all the SQL Server system objects such as sys.objects which are physically
available only in the Resource database, even though they logically appear
in the SYS schema of every database. The Resource Database does not contain any
user data or any user metadata. By design, the Resource database is not visible
under SQL Server Management Studio’s Object Explorer | Databases | System
Databases Node.
The DBA shouldn’t rename
or move the Resource Database file. If the files are renamed or moved from
their respective locations then SQL Server will not start. The other important thing
to be considered is not to put the Resource Database files in a compressed or
encrypted NTFS file system folders as it will hinder the performance and will
also possibly prevent upgrades.
What is the location of system databases?
We can specify the location of system database under Data Root Directory option.
What is the location of resource database?
The physical file names
of the Resource database are mssqlsystemresource.mdf and
mssqlsystemresource.ldf. These files are located in <drive>:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.<instance_name>\MSSQL\Binn\. Each
instance of SQL Server has one and only one associated mssqlsystemresource.mdf
file, and instances do not share this file.
What are the typical objects that are created in the TempDB database?
There are three
different types of objects stored in tempdb.
- Internal Objects:
- Intermediate results for hash join and hash aggregates.
- XML variables or other large object (LOB) data type variables. (text, image, ntext, varchar(max), varbinary(max))
- Queries that need a spool to store intermediate results.
- Keyset cursors to store the keys.
- Static cursors to store a query result.
- Service Broker to store messages in transit.
- INSTEAD OF triggers to store data for internal processing.
- DBCC CHECK internally uses a query that may need to spool intermediate results.
- Query notification and event notification use Service Broker.
- Version Store:
- Triggers (After Triggers). Instead of triggers doesn’t generate versions.
- MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets)
- Index Rebuilds
- User Objects:
- Local and global temporary tables, bulk insert and BCP intermediate results
- Index rebuilds with “SORT IN TEMPDB” option.
What is the database that has the backup and restores system tables? What
are the backup and restore system tables? What do each of the tables do?
The MSDB database is the
database with the backup and restores system tables. Here are the backup and
restore system tables and their purpose:
backupfile –
contains one row for each data file or log file backed up
backupmediafamily –
contains one row for each media family
backupmediaset –
contains one row for each backup media set
backupset –
contains one row for each backup set
restorefile –
contains one row for each restored file
restorefilegroup –
contains one row for each restored filegroup
restorehistory –
contains one row for each restore operation
How to check the version of Resource database?
How to determine when the Resourcedatabase was last updated?
What are the system databases created when we configure Reporting services?
ReportServer and
How to move model database?
a. Determine the logical
file names of the msdb and model database and their current physical location
on the disk.
USE master
DB_NAME(database_id) AS "Database Name", name AS "Logical
File Name",
physical_name AS
"Physical File Location",
state_desc AS
sys.master_files WHERE database_id IN (DB_ID(N'model'))
b. For each file to be
moved, run the following statement by providing the logical file name and the
new physical location of where the file will be moved to.
database_name MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_name , FILENAME =
'new_path\os_file_name' )
c. Stop the instance of
SQL Server.
d. Move the physical
files to the new location.
e. Start the SQL Server
f. Verify the location
using the script used in step a.
How to move msdb database?
a. Determine the logical
file names of the msdb and model database and their current physical location
on the disk.
USE master
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id)
AS "Database Name", name AS "Logical File Name",
physical_name AS
"Physical File Location",
state_desc AS
sys.master_files WHERE database_id IN (DB_ID(N'msdb'))
b. For each file to be
moved, run the following statement by providing the logical file name and the
new physical location of where the file will be moved to.
msdb MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_name , FILENAME = 'new_path\os_file_name' )
c. Stop the instance of
SQL Server.
d. Move the physical
files to the new location.
e. Start the SQL Server
f. Verify the location
using the script used in step a.
g. Verify that Service
Broker is enabled for the msdb database by running the following query.
USE master
is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases
database_id = DB_ID(N'msdb');
is_broker_enabled is not 1 then enable the service broker.
How to move tempdb database?
- a. Determine the logical file names of the msdb and model database and their current physical location on the disk.
USE master
DB_NAME(database_id) AS "Database Name", name AS "Logical
File Name",
physical_name AS
"Physical File Location",
state_desc AS
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE database_id IN (DB_ID(N'msdb'))
b. For each file to be moved, run the following
statement by providing the logical file name and the new physical location of
where the file will be moved to.
tempdb MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_name , FILENAME = 'new_path\os_file_name' )
c. Restart the
instance of SQL Server.
d. Verify the
location using the script used in step a.
e. delete the old Tempdb
database files from the old location.
17) How
to move master database?
- Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- In the SQL
Server Services node, right-click the instance of SQL Server for
- Open Startup Parameters dialog.
4. Edit the Startup
Parameters values to point to the planned location for the master
database data and log files, and click OK. Moving the
error log file is optional.
- In theSQL Server (instance_name) Properties dialog box, click the Startup Parameters
- The parameter value for the data file must follow the-d parameter and the value for the log file must follow the -l The following example shows the parameter values for the default location of the master data and log files.
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf
- If the planned relocation for the master data and log file isF:\MSSQL\Data, the parameter values would be changed as follows:
5. Stop the instance of
SQL Server.
6. Move
the master.mdf and mastlog.ldf files to the new location.
move “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
1 file(s) moved.[SQLPROD1]
move “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
1 file(s) moved.
7. Restart the instance
of SQL Server.
8. Verify the file
change for the master database.
18) Is
it important to take the system database backups?
Yes, It is very
important to take system database backups except tempdb.
19) Is
it possible to take the tempdb database backup?
No, it’s not possible to
take tempdb backup and it’s not required.
How to restore model database?
model Database can be
restores same as any other user defined database from its backup.
[model] FROM DISK = N'E:\model.bak'
21) How to restore msdb database?
- Stop SQL Server agent service
- Run the below command to restore the msdb database.
- Start SQL Server agent service
- Start the SQL Server Instance in single user mode using –m parameter in the SQL Server configuration manager for SQL Service.
- Issue the below
command from command prompt to restore the master database.
No, it’s not possible to
rename any system database.
What is the default owner of master, model, tempdb and msdb database? Is it
possible to change the owner of system databases?
Default owner of system
databases is sa, We can’t change the default owner of master, model, tempdb and
distributor databases.
What are the recommended Data files settings for tempdb?
- Preallocate space for all tempdb files by setting the file size to a value large enough to accommodate the typical workload in the environment. This prevents tempdb from expanding too frequently, which can affect performance. The tempdb database should be set to autogrow, but this should be used to increase disk space for unplanned exceptions.
- Create as many files as needed to maximize disk bandwidth. Using multiple files reduces tempdb storage contention and yields significantly better scalability. However, do not create too many files because this can reduce performance and increase management overhead. As a general guideline, create one data file for each CPU on the server (accounting for any affinity mask settings) and then adjust the number of files up or down as necessary. Note that a dual-core CPU is considered to be two CPUs.
- Make each data file the same size; this allows for optimal proportional-fill performance.
- Put the tempdb database on a fast I/O subsystem. Use disk striping if there are many directly attached disks.
- Put the tempdb database on disks that differ from those that are used by user databases.
26) What
is recovery model in SQL Server?
SQL Server backup and
restore operations occur within the context of the recovery model of the
database. Recovery models are designed to control transaction log maintenance.
A recovery model is a database property that controls how transactions are
logged, whether the transaction log requires (and allows) backing up, and what
kinds of restore operations are available.
How many types of Recovery models we have in SQL Server?
Three recovery models
exist: simple, full, and bulk-logged. Typically, a database uses the full
recovery model or simple recovery model. A database can be switched to another
recovery model at any time.
Difference between Full, Bulk Logged and Simple recovery model?
Recovery model
Work loss exposure
Recover to point in
No log backups. (Only Full and Differential
backups)Automatically reclaims log space to keep space requirements small,
essentially eliminating the need to manage the transaction log space.
Changes since the most recent backup are
unprotected. In the event of a disaster, those changes must be redone.
Can recover only to
the end of a backup.
Requires log backups. No work is lost due to a
lost or damaged data file. Can recover to an arbitrary point in time (for
example, prior to application or user error).
Normally none.If the tail of the log is damaged,
changes since the most recent log backup must be redone..
Can recover to a specific point in time, assuming
that your backups are complete up to that point in time.
Bulk logged
Requires log backups. An adjunct of the full
recovery model that permits high-performance bulk copy operations. Reduces
log space usage by using minimal logging for most bulk operations. For more information,
If the log is damaged or bulk-logged operations
occurred since the most recent log backup, changes since that last backup
must be redone. Otherwise, no work is lost.
Can recover to the end
of any backup. Point-in-time
How can you setup a default recovery model for all newly created databases as
We can setup the
recovery model of model database as simple to make sure that newly created
database’s recovery is automatically configured as simple.
How to change the recovery model of a database?
Note: It is always
advisable to take a full backup of the database immediatelly after changing the
database recovery model.
Recovery model of system databases?
System database
Recovery model
For backwards
compatibility with earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server, the
recovery model of master can be set to FULL or BULK_LOGGED. However, BACKUP
LOG is not supported for master. Therefore, even if the recovery model of
master is changed to full or bulk-logged, the database continues to operate
as if it were using the simple recovery model.
User configurable
Newly created user
databases use the same recovery model as the model database. If
you want your new databases to use the simple recovery model, change the
recovery model of model to SIMPLE. Best practice: We
recommend that you create only full database backups of model, as
required. Because model is small and rarely changes, backing
up the log is unnecessary.
Simple (default)
If you want to use the
backup and restore history information in msdb when you
recover user databases, we recommend that you use the full recovery model for
msdb. Additionally, consider placing the msdb transaction
log on fault tolerant storage.
The recovery model is irrelevant. SQL Server
backup cannot back up the Resource database. Note You can
perform a file-based or a disk-based backup on the Resource database
by treating Mssqlsystemresource.mdf as if it were a binary (.exe) file. But
you cannot use SQL Server restore on these backups.
The simple recovery model is required;
therefore, tempdb log space is always automatically
reclaimed. You cannot backup tempdb.
1. What are the
basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb databases?
The Master database contains catalog and data for
all databases of the SQL Server instance and it holds the engine together.
Because SQL Server cannot start if the master database is not working.
The msdb database contains data of database
backups, SQL Agent, DTS packages, SQL Server jobs, and log shipping.
The tempdb contains temporary objects like global
and local temporary tables and stored procedures.
The model is a template database which is used for
creating a new user database.
2 Which
database will affect if we install service pack in SQL Server?
A Resource
The Resource database is a read-only database that
contains all the system objects that are included with SQL Server. SQL Server
system objects, such as sys.objects, are physically persisted in the Resource
database, but they logically appear in the sys schema of every database. The
Resource database does not contain user data or user metadata.
The Resource database makes upgrading to a new
version of SQL Server an easier and faster procedure. In earlier versions of
SQL Server, upgrading required dropping and creating system objects. Because
the Resource database file contains all system objects, an upgrade is now
accomplished simply by copying the single Resource database file to the local
3 As a database is recovering, after which phase will
the database be available /online?
A (SQL Server 2000): After the Undo phase.
A (SQL Server 2005): In all editions but
Enterprise, after the Undo phase (if running FULL recovery model). With
Enterprise edition, after the Redo phase. Fast recovery is possible because
transactions that were uncommitted when a crash occurred reacquire whatever
locks they held before the crash. While these transactions are being rolled
back, their locks protect them from interference by users.
4 How to
Recover Suspected Database without data loss?
EXEC sp_resetstatus [Your_Database];
DBCC checkdb ([Your_Database])
Note: Instead of above query DBCC CheckDB
Use below
Specifies that DBCC CHECKDB repair the found
errors. The specified database must be in single-user mode to use one of the
following repair options.
Tries to repair all reported errors. These repairs
can cause some data loss.
Maintains syntax for backward compatibility only.
No repair actions are performed.
Performs repairs that have no possibility of data
loss. This can include quick repairs, such as repairing missing rows in
non-clustered indexes, and more time-consuming repairs, such as rebuilding an
5. TempDB
growing fastly? What will be the reason?
Check what is
causing the TempDB to grow by running the following queries
Select * from sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
Select * from sys.dm_db_session_file_usage
Select * from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
In my experience, the most likely cause for
something like this is an out-of-control Cross Join query (though there are
lots of other possibilities).
There are a couple of possible reasons for TempDB
filling up. The most obvious is of course a process that fills up a large temp
One way to investigate this, would be to do:
xtype = 'U'
This tells you, if there are any temp tables at all
right now. You might be able to get an indication of sizes by looking in
SELECT object name (id), reserved FROM TempDB.
Sysindexes (NOLOCK) WHERE in did in (0, 1)
reserved gives you the size in 8192 KB pages. But
the numbers may lag behind and not be accurate.
There are other sources than temp tables: sort
operations, cursors, worktables for queries. These are more difficult to track
You could shrink TempDB, and trace for auto-grow
events, and see if you can connect the events to a certain user or host.
Possible reasons for TempDB Full Issue
SQL Server makes extensive use of TempDB when:
Tracking versions for
row-versioning concurrency.
Performing bulk load
operations on tables with triggers enabled.
Rebuilding an index with
Variables of LOB data
Storing intermediate
query results, for example, during joins, aggregates, or sorts.
Service broker dialog
Caching temporary
objects and tables.
Storing inserted and
deleted tables in triggers.
If you’re SQL Server
Agent Job doing any of this then this will the cause for TempDB growth. I
suggest you to read my article ie. Recovering from out-of-disk space conditions
for TempDB. This will hopefully help you to resolve this issue.
Another potential
problem that you need to tackle as a DBA is running out of disk space on the
hard disk that contains tempdb.This is because SQL Server makes extensive use
of tempdb when:
Viewing tempdb
space usage
The following
dynamic management views (DMVs) can be used to report information about tempdb
-sys.dm_db_session_space_usage – Retrieves the number of pages
allocated and deallocated by each session for the database.
-sys.dm_db_task_space_usage – Retrieves the page
allocation and deallocation activity by task for the database.
-sys.dm_db_file_space_usage – Retrieves
information about disk space used by any database.
7 Why is TempDB full, and
how can I prevent this from happening?
Note that the majority of this article describes
symptoms and workarounds for any database that is larger than you think it
should be; it is not applicable only to tempdb.
SQL Server allocates a database called tempdb,
primarily for worktable / #temp table usage. Sometimes, you will have one of
the following symptoms:
An error message in the event log: Source:
MSSQLSERVER Event ID: 17052 Description: The log file for database 'tempdb' is
full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space
An error message in Query Analyzer:
Server: Msg 8624, Level 16, State 1 Internal SQL
Server error or Server: Msg 1101, Level 17, State 10, Line 1 Could not
allocate new page for database 'TEMPDB'. There are no more pages available in
filegroup DEFAULT. Space can be created by dropping objects, adding
additional files, or allowing file growth.
§ Or you will
notice that the files are much bigger than they should be -- by using EXEC
sp_spaceused, looking at the taskpad view in Enterprise Manager, seeing the
MDF/LDF files themselves within Windows Explorer, or being alerted by
monitoring software like SiteScope or Quest Spotlight.
Causes Usually, tempdb fills up when you are low on
disk space, or when you have set an unreasonably low maximum size for database
Many people think that tempdb is only used for
#temp tables. When in fact, you can easily fill up tempdb without ever creating
a single temp table. Some other scenarios that can cause tempdb to fill
§ any sorting that requires more memory than has been
allocated to SQL Server will be forced to do its work in tempdb;
§ if the sorting requires more space than you have
allocated to tempdb, one of the above errors will occur;
§ DBCC CheckDB('any database') will perform its work
in tempdb -- on larger databases, this can consume quite a bit of
§ DBCC DBREINDEX or similar DBCC commands with 'Sort
in tempdb' option set will also potentially fill up tempdb;
§ large resultsets involving unions, order by / group
by, cartesian joins, outer joins, cursors, temp tables, table variables, and
hashing can often require help from tempdb;
§ any transactions left uncommitted and not rolled
back can leave objects orphaned in tempdb;
§ use of an ODBC DSN with the option 'create
temporary stored procedures' set can leave objects there for the life of the
Other points of analysis The following will
tell you how tempdb's space is allocated:
USE tempdb GO EXEC sp_spaceused
The following should give you some clues as to which table(s) consume most of the space in the data file(s) -- this will help you narrow down any transactions that are either taking a long time or repeatedly being left in limbo:
USE tempdb GO SELECT name FROM
tempdb..sysobjects SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id), rowcnt FROM
tempdb..sysindexes WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) LIKE '#%'
The higher rowcount values will likely indicate the
biggest temporary tables that are consuming space. And while it won't tell you
everything, since tempdb is used for internal I/O and other processes such as
sorting, it may help you narrow down the stored procedure(s) that are causing
LIKE '%#table_name%' from above). In addition to this, you can use
Profiler to watch for events like database file auto grow and log file auto
grow. If this is happening often, then you know that the space you've allocated
to tempdb is not sufficient. You can also watch performance monitor's counter
for PhysicalDisk: CurrentDiskQueueLength on the drive where tempdb exists. If
this number is consistently greater than 2, then there is likely a bottleneck
in disk I/O.
Short-term fix Restarting SQL Server will re-create
tempdb from scratch, and it will return to its usually allocated size. In and
of itself, this solution is only effective in the very short term; assumedly,
the application and/or T-SQL code which caused tempdb to grow once, will likely
cause it to grow again.
To shrink tempdb, you can consider using DBCC
ShrinkDatabase, DBCC ShrinkFile (for the data or the log file), or ALTER
DATABASE. See KB #256650, KB #272318 and KB #307487 for
more information. If you can't shrink the log, it might be due to an uncommitted
transaction. See if you have any long-running transactions with the following
Check the oldest transaction (if it returns any),
and see who the SPID is (there will be a line starting with 'SPID (Server
Process ID) : <number>'). Use that <number> in the following:
This will tell you at least a portion of the last
SQL command executed by this SPID, and will help you determine if you want to
end this process with:
KILL <number>
Long-term prevention Here are some suggestions for maintaining
a healthy tempdb:
§ Make sure that tempdb is set to autogrow -- do
*NOT* set a maximum size for tempdb. If the current drive is too full to allow
autogrow events, then buy a bigger drive, or add files to tempdb on another
device (using ALTER DATABASE) and allow those files to autogrow. You will need
at least one data file and at least one log file in order to avoid this problem
from halting your system in the future.
§ For optimal performance, make sure that its initial
size is adequate to handle a typical workload (autogrow events can cause
performance to suffer as it allocates new extents).
§ If possible, put tempdb on its own physical disk,
array or disk subsystem (see KB #224071 for
more information).
§ To prevent tempdb log file growth, make sure tempdb
is in simple recovery mode (this allows the log to be truncated automatically).
To check if this is the case:
SQL Server 7.0, should show 'trunc. log on chkpt.' -- or 'recovery=SIMPLE' as
part of status column: EXEC sp_helpdb 'tempdb' -- SQL Server 2000, should
yield 'SIMPLE': SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('tempdb', 'recovery')
§ If the database is not set to simple recovery, you
can force it so as follows:
§ Use SQLOLEDB, not ODBC / DSN for database access
(for VB / ASP, see Article #2126 for
sample connection strings).
§ Try to make sure you have covering indexes for all
large table that are used in queries that can't use a clustered index / index
§ Batch larger heavily-logged operations (especially
deletes) that *might* overflow into tempdb into reasonable 'chunks' of rows,
especially when joins are involved.
§ Pore over your code for potential uncommitted
transactions and other elements from the list at the top of the
§ In general, try to make your code as efficient as
possible... avoid cursors, nested loops, and #temp tables if possible.
See Article #2424 for
some other general ideas on efficiency.
§ Check out the WebCast in KB #834846 for
some ideas from Microsoft about administering and maintaining TempDB.
31. Datafile is growing fastly. What
will be reasons? How you resolve it/
Data may be refreshing
that is wt data file growing fastly
-Shrink the file
-That is only when
Datafile size below 80%
-Otherwise add one more
file different location
32. Can we add file on model?
The master and model databases cannot have files added to them. ALTER DATABASE was aborted.
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