AlwaysOn Availability Groups - FAQ
1. Which SQL Server Editions include AlwaysOn Availability Group functionality?
2. Do I need to use a specific Windows Server edition with AlwaysOn Availability
You need to use Windows Server Enterprise above
3. What are the prerequisites for AlwaysOn Availability Groups?
4. How many replicas can I have in an AlwaysOn Availability Group?
5 total – 1 primary and up to 4 secondaries
5. How many databases can participate in an AlwaysOn Availability Group?
Up to 100 is the recommendation, but it’s not enforced
6. How many AlwaysOn Availability Groups can I have on an instance?
Up to 10 availability groups is the recommendation, but it’s not enforced
7. What's the difference between asynchronous and synchronous availability modes?
Asynchronous-commit mode is best for instances that are in different data centers. Once a transaction is written to the log, the primary sends confirmation to the client. Transaction latency is low Synchronous-commit ensures transactions are committed to all synchronous secondaries before committing to the primary replica. Transaction latency is increased
8. How many synchronous secondary replicas can I have?
You can have up to 2 synchronous replicas, but you are not required to use any. You could run all secondaries in async mode if desired
9. Can I use a secondary for read-only queries?
Yes. An active secondary can be used to offload read-only queries from the primary to a secondary instance in the availability group
10. Can I use a secondary for backup?
Yes. An active secondary can be used for some types of backups
11. What types of backups are supported on active secondaries?
You can run Copy Only Full backups and regular (non-copy only) transaction log backups on active secondaries. Differential backups are not supported on active secondaries
12. Do I have to license my secondary replicas?
Maybe. You are allowed to use a single passive secondary replica at no additional SQL Server license cost. However, a second passive secondary must be licensed. All active secondaries (used for read-only queries or backup) must be licensed
13. Can I create additional indexes or statistics on read-only secondaries to improve query performance?
No. If you require additional indexing to improve performance on a read-only secondary, then you should weigh the cost of creating and maintaining the index on the primary replica
14. Can I create additional statistics on read-only secondaries to improve query performance?
No. However, you can allow SQL Server to automatically create statistics on read-only secondaries. Auto-created statistics are placed in tempdb. A failover or restart removes that information
15. What is the impact of running read-only workloads on active secondaries?
Read-only queries can take resources from the redo thread and slow down synchronization and add latency in synchronous availability mode.
16. How do I limit redo thread impact of running read-only workloads on active secondaries?
Use the resource governor to limit CPU. Run DDL modifications during times of low activity
17. Can I make DDL changes to the primary in an AlwaysOn Availability Group?
Yes. DDL changes are automatically migrated to secondaries automatically
18. Do AlwaysOn Availability Groups help with database corruption?
Yes. If a corrupt page is detected, SQL Server will attempt to repair the page by getting it from another replica
19. Can I manually fail over to a secondary replica?
Yes. If the secondary is in synchronous-commit mode and is set to “SYNCHRONIZED” you can manually fail over without data loss. If the secondary is not in a synchronized state then a manual failover is allowed but with possible data loss
20. Can SQL Server automatically fail over to a secondary?
Yes. If the primary and at least one secondary are set to AUTOMATIC failover and the secondary is synchronized, then SQL Server can automatically failover
21. Can I run DBCC CHECKDB on secondary replicas?
Yes. You can run DBCC CHECKDB, but you should try and run DBCC CHECKDB on the primary as well as any secondary being used for backups
22. Are AlwaysOn Availability Groups a replacement for Log Shipping?
Probably, with the following caveats: With AlwaysOn, log records are applied immediately, so there is no delayed apply ability. If you require a delay for DR (e.g. someone accidentally drops a table and you want to try and have some time to repair from the subscriber in a log shipping setup), you may want to consider continuing to use log shipping. If you remove log shipping, you lose your log backups and they will now have to be scheduled
23. Can I use Transparent Data Encryption with AlwaysOn Availability Groups?
No. You would need to decrypt the database and follow these guidelines to add a database that was previously encrypted to an AlwaysOn Availability Group
24. Do I have to run my backup jobs on all replicas that can participate in backups?
Yes. You must schedule your backups to run on any replica that you want to (or can) participate in a backup. You can use to the system function sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica to determine if the current replica is the preferred one for backup
25. If I run a transaction log backup on an active secondary, what happens to the transaction logs on other replicas?
They are maintained and the logs are cleared on other replicas to maintain the log chain
26. Do AlwaysOn Availability Groups require a Witness server like mirroring?
No. AlwaysOn Availability Groups do not require a witness SQL Server. The underlying Windows cluster can (optionally) use a witness File Share as a voting member.
27. Can I disallow read-only connections on the primary?
Yes. To enforce this, specify the read_only intent in the connection string and add only secondaries (not the primary) to the read_only_routing list. If you want to disallow direct connections to the primary from read_only connections, then set its allow_connections to read_write.
28. When failover occurs, does the application need to do anything special for an existing SQL server connection that was established via the AlwaysOn Availability Group listener or will the connection automatically reestablish and continue to work?
When a failover occurs, the application’s connection is broken. The application needs to have connection retry logic to reestablish connectivity.
29. Can my failover instances be located on different subnets and, if so, do I need to do anything different with the application connection string?
Yes, instances can be located on different subnets. Either way, to make failover as fast as possible, use MultiSubnetFailover=True in connection strings so the client attempts connections in parallel.
30. For synchronous commit mode, what is the maximum Latency allowed before the
secondary loses its synchronized status and is this latency configurable?
The primary will wait 10 seconds without ACKs. This is configurable via SESSION_TIMEOUT
31. If a DBA grows a data file manually on the primary, will SQL Server automatically grow the same file on secondaries?
Yes. File operations are replicated automatically
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